Collective self-consumption is a concept that refers to the generation and consumption of renewable energy, such as solar energy, by a group of consumers. These consumers, whether users or companies, share a generation facility, solar panels or wind turbines to cover part or all of their energy needs.
In other words, in collective self-consumption, energy is generated in a shared location and distributed among the participants.
This can be very beneficial in reducing energy costs, promoting sustainability and reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources. It also favors the amortization of the installation in a shorter period of time. Read on to learn how to make the most of collective self-consumption in your industry.

Modalities of collective self-consumption
Royal Decree 244/2019 establishes the different types of collective self-consumption, which vary depending on the surplus and compensation.
- Collective self-consumption without surplus: through this generation and consumption model, energy is consumed directly without surplus generation being discharged into the electricity grid or economically compensated. Therefore, the energy generated by the installation will only be used to cover the consumption needs of the participants in the collective self-consumption . This avoids the sale of surpluses to the grid and the consequent regulation and compensation that this could imply.
- Collective self-consumption without surpluses under compensation: this modality is characterized by the fact that the installation, which has an anti-spill system, cannot return the surpluses to the grid, but the surplus can be used by the participants in the installation. The energy generated is individualized and, therefore, surplus energy generated by one consumer can be used by another in exchange for compensation at a price agreed in the energy sharing agreement signed by all those sharing the installation.
- Collective self-consumption with surpluses under simplified compensation: if you opt for this alternative, you will receive compensation on your monthly bill for the energy produced and fed into the grid that you do not consume. Thus, the surplus is recorded in the meter in one-hour periods to be subsequently compensated economically by the retailer at the agreed price.
- Collective self-consumption with surpluses not subject to compensation: this concept refers to the sale of surplus energy to the electricity grid. There are two ways of making this sale:
- Become a producer within the photovoltaic self-consumption. To do so, you will have to register in the Administrative Register of Electrical Energy Production Facilities (RAIRPE).
- Agree on a price for the sale of the generated electricity with an energy trading company willing to buy the surplus.
Requirements for collective self-consumption
There are a series of indispensable conditions to enjoy collective self-consumption:
- Be connected in an internal network or linked through direct lines.
- Be connected to a Low Voltage network.
- Have a maximum distance of 2 km between the photovoltaic installation and the location that will use the energy or share the same cadastral reference or, at least, the first 14 digits of the cadastral code.
How to agree on the distribution in collective self-consumption installations
The consumers participating in a collective self-consumption must agree on how to share the electric energy produced by the solar panels. This agreement will have to reflect the percentage of energy to be used by each beneficiary or what is known as individualized net energy, in addition to the following data:
- Self-consumption mode of the installation
- The CAU (Self-consumption Code)
- Associated consumers: NIF, CUPS and allocation coefficients
- The associated generation facility or facilities
The distribution is calculated through a formula that takes into account different coefficients or criteria: from energy consumption to the contracted power or the percentage of participation of each consumer. You can add as many as you want, any of them is valid as long as they are fixed sharing coefficients whose sum is 1.
Once the energy sharing agreement has been formalized among all participants, it must be delivered to the distributor, directly or through the retailer, to start the administrative procedures and carry out the collective self-consumption installation.
Collective self-consumption in industries is a good alternative in terms of profitability, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. Contact us to learn more about this energy modality and start on the road to a better future.