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Market Agent

A market agent is considered to be any individual or legal entity that intervenes in the economic transactions that take place in the electricity market, buying or selling electricity.

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System balancing

Also known as balance of system, it encompasses all elements of the solar PV system except the solar panels. That is, the inverter, batteries, structure, AC and DC breakers, fuses, and any necessary electrical safety components.

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Store surplus electricity from your solar installer and then release it when needed: It is a technology especially suitable for intermittent energy sources such as the sun and wind.

This is an evolving technology that goes hand in hand with new technologies, has maximum coverage which allows you to save both day and night, always avoiding the fluctuations of energy prices.

With our battery storage, you get better sustainability benefits, saving on electricity costs and CO₂ emissions.

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Sum of resources that a company invests for construction or installation to increase installed capacity or improve the efficiency of existing plants.

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Coefficient Of Performance (COP)

The coefficient of performance (COP) is expressed as a percentage and describes the relationship between the actual and theoretical energy production of photovoltaic plants.

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The electricity trader is the company that gives you access to the energy service, delivering electricity to the business or company through the network owned by the distributor in the area and billing the service. Intermediary between the market and the end consumer.

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Surplus compensation

Introduced by Article 244/2019 (a decree for regulating self-consumption in Spain), companies with photovoltaic installations can connect to the energy grid and either receive additional power when they don’t generate enough or send surplus energy back when they generate too much. Excess returned energy can be sold to other clients, and the total is subtracted to minimize the customer's electricity bill up to zero. Surplus compensation can only be applied to projects with an installed power of less than 100kW.

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