Energy Efficiency Projects


Energy efficiency projects aim to achieve the same work or benefit while consuming less energy. This in turn reducesCO2 emissionsinto the atmosphere.

Now energy efficiency projects become doubly interesting since, through the Energy Saving Certificate System (CAE) defined in Royal Decree 36/2023, it is very easy to recover part of the cost of the investments associated with the projects.


What is a CAE

A Certificate of Energy Saving (CAE) is an electronic document that guarantees that, after carrying out an energy efficiency action, a new final energy saving equivalent to 1 kWh has been achieved. Thus, if an action is undertaken that implies a new annual saving of 500 kWh, 500 CAE can be obtained.

This instrument makes it possible to monetize energy savings by recovering part of the cost of investments in energy efficiency (change of lighting, improvement of thermal insulation, renovation of industrial or domestic equipment, etc.). The end user will be able to receive a consideration if he sells the savings obtained for subsequent certification through the CAE System. In doing so, the data will be registered by the National Coordinator in the National Registry of CAE, which is the database where the CAE and its history (holder, origin, etc.) are registered.

The Energy Saving Certificates (CAE) are introduced as a mechanism to amortize or compensate the obligations of the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE). For months now, all users have been receiving the FNEE penalty in our bills and, as a result, companies that commercialize energy have been defined as obliged subjects to contribute a significant amount of money annually to the FNEE and thus finance energy efficiency actions, according to European regulations.

Thus, the obligated parties or, in other words, the energy marketers (electricity, gas, oil, etc.), must deposit the amount of money in the FNEE corresponding to the kWh sold to their customers. However, from January 2023 they can also comply with this obligation by contributing the equivalent amount in Energy Saving Certificates.


Who intervenes in the CAE system

The CAE system involves different actors among which are: the obligated parties , which are the energy companies such as Ekhi, in charge of commercializing the energy for which it is essential to reach the annual energy savings targets either by paying the National Energy Efficiency Fund (managed by the IDAE) or by liquidating the CAE they produce or obtain on the market; the owners of the savings, who made the initial investment in energy efficiency projects to generate CAE, with the future vision of recovering it thanks to the monetization of the savings created; the delegated subjects, which are companies that have the possibility of helping those obliged to acquire CAE and liquidate a part of them annually; and the energy savings verifier, who certifies that all the actions have been carried out correctly.

Also forming part of the CAE System, representing the Administration, are the Autonomous Region Managers and the National Coordinator of the CAE System.


Who can apply

Energy Saving Certificates can be applied for as long as the energy efficiency projects carried out comply with the European Energy Efficiency Directive, have been carried out after January 26, 2023 and have achieved a positive assessment by the energy savings verifier.

The request is made through the electronic headquarters of the CAE System and must be carried out by the obligor.


At Ekhi, we understand the importance of energy efficiency, both for the competitiveness of companies and for the environment, and that is why we offer customized solutions that help industry to reduce their energy consumption andCO2 emissions, while optimizing operational costs. Don't wait any longer to start saving and contributing to a more sustainable future - contact us today and find out how we can help you optimize your energy consumption!


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