A renewable Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) agreement refers to the installation of a renewable energy facility onsite, of which you will be the legal owner. Unlike an Onsite PPA, where Ekhi remains the legal owner of the installation and assumes all technical and financial risks, with an EPC you will be liable for all the initial and ongoing costs. This could be a good option if you are looking for full lifelong control of your installation, with a done-for-you, ready-to-use solution.
Solar installations can serve customers for many years depending on their needs and desires. The typical lifespan of a solar photovoltaic installation is between 30 and 35 years.
There are several payment options for EPCs which include:
- Full equity. The buyer fully pays for and owns the installed systems.
- Corporate finance. The purchase is financed by a financial institution.
- Renting. The financial institution is the legal owner of the solar installation and you will pay them a monthly fee agreed by both parties.
When the contract ends you can choose to acquire the installation or not.
- Leasing. The financial institution is the legal owner of the solar installation and you will pay them a monthly fee agreed by both parties.
When the contract ends you can choose to acquire the installation or not.
Your systems will be connected to the grid when you want to sell any surplus of non-self-consumed energy during sunlight hours. In this case, it will be necessary to analyze available capacity, request any permits from the corresponding distribution company, and fulfill certain requirements such as protections, guarantees, improvements, etc.
As your system has a unique design based on your site, we will create a personalized calculation of how many Kilowatt-hours (kWh) your installation will produce. The production guarantee guarantees the accuracy of this design but not the amount of energy produced as this can be impacted by other factors, like climate variations. A performance guarantee on the other hand, is a commitment from the installer to maintain the efficiency of the installation, i.e. replace any solar panels or equipment that degrades faster than stated by the manufacturer.
Ekhi EPCs agree to carry out the design, development, and installation of a renewable energy system on the customer site. Ekhi usually defines and agrees to the completion within a certain timeframe. EPC contracts include a 2-year installation warranty, equipment warranties for panels (25 years), inverters (5+ years), and structure (10+ years).
The length of the full installation process of an EPC is hard to predict as it depends on a variety of factors. These include the type and size, acquiring all the necessary permits, and the selected self-consumption modality. While the solar installation may only take a few weeks, the whole process can take several months.
There are multiple factors to consider when choosing your EPC. We recommend looking closely at component warranties (for panels, inverters, structures, etc.), price, execution time, quantity of energy produced, performance guarantees (PR), etc. Additionally, you should analyze the maintenance conditions (both preventive and corrective) as well as financing solutions.
If you don't have space to install a renewable plant onsite, you may be better suited to our Offsite PPA where we select a suitable renewable solution for you within the national territory. In an Offsite PPA there are no space limitations and we can choose the optimal conditions for maximum renewable production and efficiency.
The Spanish Royal Decree 244/2019, of the 5th of april, governs all administrative, technical, and economic aspects of energy self-sufficiency and self-consumption in Spain. Therefore, Ekhi energy contracts and services are governed by the regulations set out in this legislation and any following legislative updates.
The NextGenerationEU subsidies will apply to those facilities governed by Spain's Royal Decree 244/2019 that governs energy self-consumption. Applicable companies will be able to benefit from up to 35% of the value of their facility, but this percentage depends on the type of each company.