The contractual model of the agreement is an On Site PPA, whereby Ekhi will be in charge of installing and distributing the energy, and maintaining the installation. The project has been designed for self-consumption without surplus for the client, for a period of 7 years.
According to the study conducted by Ekhi, the installation of this plant will help the telecommunications company reduce its carbon footprint by 158 tons ofCO2 emissions during the useful life of the facility. This figure is equivalent to more than 1.3 million kilometers traveled by a car or to planting more than 7,900 trees.
Since the completion of the project at the end of May 2023, and for the next 7 years, the customer will save up to 1.5% per year in energy costs.
"The signing of this project is a sign that important national companies are betting on Ekhi to accompany them in their sustainability and cost reduction objectives, through self-consumption projects that allow them to advance in the company's energy transition".
Lorenzo Font, Managing Director of Ekhi